Monday, July 18, 2011

A Trip To Disney

About a month ago my two borrowed children Jon Bradley and Adrianna took a trip my their mother who is one of my best girlfriends to Disney World. I cannot stand to be a day without them, let alone the week they were going to be gone so I demanded lots of pictures and for Yolanda to give them everything that their hearts desired :). I also told them NO BOATS but that is a different story, not every child listens but I also learned that not all adults do either. Yolanda did however follow my instructions of taking lots of here is their lovely journey to Disney World and back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jon Bradley and Adrianna were able to have a photo op before boarding the plane to Disney....because their mother was on time for once in her life :).

When arriving to Disney their first stop was the hotel before going to enjoy their first day of all the FUN Disney had in store.........

While enjoying themselves at Disney they were able to have dinner with some very Goofy people... 

There adventures through Disney were exciting and full of laughs and much fun.....

While touring one of the theme parks they continue to run into their Goofy friend everywhere......

They were also able to meet a very royal Princess.......Cinderella

Belle was definitely the Bell  of the ball for the two of them......I surely hope Jon Bradley did not fall in love too much :)

All and All the trip was amazing.....the important thing is that Yolanda survived a whole week without being driven crazy by the two  most wonderful kids in the whole wide world!

 I was so glad for the three of them return but even more glad that they had a wonderful time....(minus the boat incident we will not discuss)....And they brought me some lovely pink Minnie Mouse earrings that I will keep forever and ever <3 !!!!!!
 P.S. Yolanda I am proud of you for not being late to the airport and getting my babies to Disney on time and giving them everything their hearts desired, oh and i enjoyed helping you pack ;) .....I love the Mommy you are and thank you times a million for sharing these two lovely human beings with me....I love all three of you bigger than the universe <3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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