Monday, August 8, 2011

Crazy Stupid Love

Though I am not a movie chick and I could say it a hundred times a day.....Momz called Saturday night and asked would I like to see Crazy Stupid Love with her....I accepted and was beyond excited about just being able to be that normal Super Model chick she ever so loves....I was even excited about the movie popcorn and what I thought would be cherry drink but I had to settle for a Cherry Coke instead. I was a little skeptical about the movie oh man was it absolutle funny and good. I fell in love with it and the word a**hole just kidding but forreal I laughed at the most when the not so nice parts of the movied occured. I am sure that Momz was ready to kill me because of my little mischiveous laugh at the bleep bleep parts but I did enjoy the movie and the time was definitely well spent.

SN:: Usually Ryan Gosling is not my normal cup of tea but
I have a new found respect for his a** oops I mean his Abs.....
Lol had to do it for a laugh. Thanks Momz for the movie and
 LOVE WON AS ALWAYS.Also thanks to a friend whom 
I have that crazy stupid love with
 and I realized it because of this movie
I have already let him know. ;)

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